Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Classic Kids TV (v9.5)

Game Names : Classic Kids TV (v9.5)
Excel File Name : cqq00030.xls 
QID :  cqq00030
  1.  alf
  2.  basilbrush
  3.  yogibear
  4.  thetrapdoor
  5.  theperilsofpenelopepitstop
  6.  charliebrown
  7.  willothewisp
  8.  topogigio
  9.  thejetsons
  10.  ragtime
  11.  morph
  12.  bod
  13.  hectorshouse
  14.  rosieandjim
  15.  buttonmoon
  16.  hongkongphooey
  17.  magicroundabout
  18.  barbapapa
  19.  herecomesmumfie
  20.  jamieandthemagictorch
  21.  michaelbentinespottytime
  22.  mrbenn
  23.  sesamestreet
  24.  themuppets
  25.  postmanpat
  26.  chorltonandthewheelies
  27.  thehairbearbunch
  28.  noahandnelly
  29.  nogginthenog
  30.  roobarbandcustard
  31.  crystaltippsandalistair
  32.  firemansam
  33.  thedoubledeckers
  34.  captainpugwash
  35.  thewoodentops
  36.  huckleberryhound
  37.  wackyraces
  38.  thewombles
  39.  catweazle
  40.  ivortheengine
  41.  barnabybear
  42.  rudedogandthedweebs
  43.  paddington
  44.  trumpton
  45.  thecarebears
  46.  theflumps
  47.  vickytheviking
  48.  rockosmodernlife
  49.  captainscarlet
  50.  thebananasplits
  51.  theadventuresoftintin
  52.  rentaghost
  53.  pipkins
  54.  inspectorgadget
  55.  rainbow
  56.  theclangers
  57.  thunderbirds
  58.  bagpuss
  59.  thepinkpanther
  60.  thomasthetankengine
  61.  alvinandthechipmunks
  62.  theherbs
  63.  captaincaveman
  64.  topcat
  65.  cloppacastle
  66.  fragglerock
  67.  talesoftheriverbank
  68.  pogleswood
  69.  marymungoandmidge
  70.  teddyedward
  71.  pob
  72.  andypandy
  73.  jimboandthejetset
  74.  mrmen
  75.  fingerbobs
  76.  chigley

Friday, May 27, 2011

DVD Covers (v6.5)

Game Names : DVD Covers (v6.5)
Excel File Name : cqq00027.xls
QID :  cqq00027
  1.  calendargirls
  2.  findingnemo
  3.  brucealmighty
  4.  badboysii
  5.  americanpiethewedding
  6.  loveactually
  7.  masterandcommander
  8.  matrixrevolutions
  9.  santaclause2
  10.  dave
  11.  airforceone
  12.  daredevil
  13.  thenightmarebeforechristmas
  14.  thefifthelement
  15.  themummy
  16.  thefrighteners
  17.  truelies
  18.  thewickerman
  19.  unbreakable
  20.  twins
  21.  thejazzsinger
  22.  spiderman
  23.  minorityreport
  24.  gijane
  25.  guardingtess
  26.  leon
  27.  backtothefuture
  28.  alien
  29.  missionimpossible
  30.  bladerunner
  31.  thelongkissgoodnight
  32.  theressomethingaboutmary
  33.  blade
  34.  alien3
  35.  entrapment
  36.  wargames
  37.  panicroom
  38.  waterworld
  39.  dantespeak
  40.  aliens
  41.  deepimpact
  42.  papillon
  43.  whatwomenwant
  44.  daylight
  45.  hardrain
  46.  harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets
  47.  heat
  48.  fullmetaljacket
  49.  flyawayhome
  50.  hellraiser
  51.  stuartlittle
  52.  lawnmowerman
  53.  madmax
  54.  americanbeauty
  55.  littleshopofhorrors
  56.  cannonballrun
  57.  lockstockandtwosmokingbarrels
  58.  youvegotmail
  59.  neversayneveragain
  60.  nottinghill
  61.  passenger57
  62.  arachnophobia
  63.  undersiege
  64.  lostinspace
  65.  highlander
  66.  abugslife
  67.  ransom
  68.  reservoirdogs
  69.  babepiginthecity
  70.  abridgetoofar
  71.  stargate
  72.  inthelineoffire
  73.  jackiebrown
  74.  assassins
  75.  willywonkaandthechocolatefactory
  76.  shortcircuit
  77.  jaws
  78.  austinpowersthespywhoshaggedme
  79.  workinggirl
  80.  scoobydoo
  81.  pulpfiction
  82.  iceage
  83.  sleeplessinseattle
  84.  stircrazy
  85.  kindergartencop
  86.  naturalbornkillers
  87.  oceanseleven
  88.  basicinstinct
  89.  galaxyquest
  90.  aclockworkorange
  91.  saturdaynightfever
  92.  homealone
  93.  thehuntforredoctober
  94.  wildwildwest
  95.  anightmareonelmstreet
  96.  thefly
  97.  2fast2furious
  98.  xmen
  99.  101dalmatians
  100.  aviewtoakill

Movies (v7.5)


Game Names : Movies (v7.5)

Excel File Name : cqq00014.xls 

QID :  cqq00014



  1.  benhur
  2.  theprincessbride
  3.  groundhogday
  4.  thefifthelement
  5.  thebluesbrothers
  6.  beverlyhillscopii
  7.  youngfrankenstein
  8.  heartbreakridge
  9.  galaxyquest
  10.  dogma
  11.  wildwildwest
  12.  agentcodybanks2destinationlondon
  13.  coldmountain
  14.  girlwithapearlearring
  15.  robinhoodprinceofthieves
  16.  wildthings
  17.  flashgordon
  18.  roadtrip
  19.  spiderman
  20.  starskyandhutch
  21.  xmen
  22.  kangaroojack
  23.  coyoteugly
  24.  existenz
  25.  thethomascrownaffair
  26.  plunkettandmacleane
  27.  speed
  28.  battlefieldearth
  29.  sleepyhollow
  30.  fightclub
  31.  gonewiththewind
  32.  deepbluesea
  33.  charliesangels
  34.  shanghainoon
  35.  themummy
  36.  starwars
  37.  indianajonesandthetempleofdoom
  38.  starshiptroopers
  39.  titanic
  40.  theressomethingaboutmary
  41.  thetrumanshow
  42.  backtothefuture
  43.  startreknemesis
  44.  batman
  45.  somelikeithot
  46.  crocodiledundeereturns
  47.  billandtedsexcellentadventure
  48.  leon
  49.  austinpowersinternationalmanofmystery
  50.  addamsfamilyvalues
  51.  ferrisbuellersdayoff
  52.  thesilenceofthelambs
  53.  theshawshankredemption
  54.  diehard2dieharder
  55.  thegreenmile
  56.  minorityreport
  57.  twelvemonkeys
  58.  thequietman
  59.  terminator3riseofthemachines
  60.  meninblack2
  61.  catsanddogs
  62.  gladiator
  63.  thesixthsense
  64.  weirdscience
  65.  harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban
  66.  lethalweapon4
  67.  lostinspace
  68.  missionimpossible2
  69.  buffythevampireslayer
  70.  riobravo
  71.  highlander
  72.  thefrenchconnection
  73.  dirtyharry
  74.  theitalianjob
  75.  ghostbusters
  76.  theworldisnotenough
  77.  kellysheroes
  78.  thedirtydozen
  79.  thegunsofnavarone
  80.  theuntouchables
  81.  angelheart
  82.  bladerunner
  83.  tradingplaces
  84.  withnailandi
  85.  dirtydancing
  86.  theusualsuspects
  87.  northbynorthwest
  88.  forbiddenplanet
  89.  americanbeauty
  90.  thematrix
  91.  laconfidential
  92.  highfidelity
  93.  braveheart
  94.  tron
  95.  piratesofthecaribbean
  96.  aknightstale
  97.  theadventuresofrobinhood
  98.  henryv
  99.  goldfinger
  100.  themagnificentseven

British Comedies (v9.6)


Game Names : British Comedies (v9.6)

Excel File Name : cqq00001.xls

QID :  cqq00001



  1.  abitoffryandlaurie
  2.  afineromance
  3.  absolutelyfabulous
  4.  alloallo
  5.  areyoubeingserved
  6.  aufwiedersehenpet
  7.  thekumarsatno42
  8.  birdsofafeather
  9.  blackadder
  10.  blessthishouse
  11.  bottom
  12.  brushstrokes
  13.  butterflies
  14.  chef
  15.  citizensmith
  16.  coldfeet
  17.  coupling
  18.  dadsarmy
  19.  thenewstatesman
  20.  dontwaitup
  21.  dropthedeaddonkey
  22.  everdecreasingcircles
  23.  fatherted
  24.  fawltytowers
  25.  myfamily
  26.  myhero
  27.  rogerroger
  28.  shootingstars
  29.  thebrittasempire
  30.  thecomicstrippresents
  31.  reggieperrin
  32.  thefastshow
  33.  theoffice
  34.  onthebuses
  35.  2point4children
  36.  hancockshalfhour
  37.  justgoodfriends
  38.  notthe9oclocknews
  39.  onefootinthegrave
  40.  onlyfoolsandhorses
  41.  onlywhenilaugh
  42.  openallhours
  43.  porridge
  44.  menbehavingbadly
  45.  rabcnesbitt
  46.  risingdamp
  47.  robinsnest
  48.  somemothersdoaveem
  49.  sorry
  50.  spaced
  51.  steptoeandson
  52.  sykes
  53.  terryandjune
  54.  thegoodlife
  55.  thelikelylads
  56.  theleagueofgentlemen
  57.  waitingforgod
  58.  uppompeii
  59.  yesminister
  60.  thevicarofdibley
  61.  twopintsoflagerandapacketofcrisps
  62.  tothemanorborn
  63.  tildeathusdopart
  64.  threeofakind
  65.  theyoungones
  66.  montypythonsflyingcircus
  67.  thetworonnies
  68.  thethinblueline
  69.  notonlybutalso
  70.  thelastofthesummerwine
  71.  phoenixnights
  72.  reddwarf
  73.  absolutepower
  74.  allaboutme
  75.  georgeandmildred
  76.  gimmegimmegimme
  77.  thegoodies
  78.  goodnessgraciousme
  79.  goodnightsweetheart
  80.  hidehi
  81.  imalanpartridge
  82.  itainthalfhotmum
  83.  thekennyeveretttelevisionshow
  84.  theliverbirds
  85.  manaboutthehouse
  86.  themarywhitehouseexperience
  87.  themrsmertonshow
  88.  theroylefamily
  89.  thegoonshow
  90.  thatwastheweekthatwas
  91.  alassmithandjones
  92.  astimegoesby
  93.  baddielandskinnerunplanned
  94.  thebennyhillshow
  95.  earlydoors
  96.  harryenfieldandchums
  97.  lovethyneighbour
  98.  themorecambeandwiseshow
  99.  smackthepony
  100.  spittingimage

Pop Groups (v8.6)


Game Names : Pop Groups (v8.6)

Excel File Name : cqq00013.xls http://quizardry.com/download_serve.php?q=00013

QID :  cqq00013



  1.  nirvana
  2.  theramones
  3.  destinyschild
  4.  cult
  5.  sistersofmercy
  6.  ultravox
  7.  stylecouncil
  8.  jam
  9.  monkees
  10.  thefunboy3
  11.  duranduran
  12.  blacksabbath
  13.  omd
  14.  outkast
  15.  thepetshopboys
  16.  thepogues
  17.  radiohead
  18.  atomickitten
  19.  redhotchilipeppers
  20.  roxymusic
  21.  sclub7
  22.  slade
  23.  statusquo
  24.  yazoo
  25.  king
  26.  kiss
  27.  level42
  28.  acdc
  29.  aerosmith
  30.  abba
  31.  alishasattic
  32.  themanicstreetpreachers
  33.  rightsaidfred
  34.  darkness
  35.  theb52s
  36.  westlife
  37.  thesmiths
  38.  blink182
  39.  takethat
  40.  travis
  41.  thepolice
  42.  thewhitestripes
  43.  zztop
  44.  thecure
  45.  cultureclub
  46.  thebackstreetboys
  47.  thebeatles
  48.  depechemode
  49.  bananarama
  50.  oasis
  51.  queen
  52.  therollingstones
  53.  thespicegirls
  54.  thecorrs
  55.  thebaycityrollers
  56.  abc
  57.  allabouteve
  58.  alteredimages
  59.  bauhaus
  60.  blacklace
  61.  blancmange
  62.  blondie
  63.  boyzone
  64.  bronskibeat
  65.  bros
  66.  chasanddave
  67.  deaconblue
  68.  theflyingpickets
  69.  frankiegoestohollywood
  70.  madness
  71.  theproclaimers
  72.  tenpoletudor
  73.  u2
  74.  spandauballet
  75.  thekinks
  76.  thestranglers
  77.  bonjovi
  78.  gunsnroses
  79.  thesexpistols
  80.  theclash
  81.  inxs
  82.  simpleminds
  83.  blue
  84.  strawberryswitchblade
  85.  bucksfizz
  86.  thehumanleague
  87.  thehives
  88.  thewho
  89.  busted
  90.  thecheekygirls
  91.  blur
  92.  weezer
  93.  coldplay
  94.  thestereophonics
  95.  thedamned
  96.  siouxsieandthebanshees
  97.  eurythmics
  98.  adamandtheants
  99.  kajagoogoo
  100.  allsaints

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Horror Scenes (v1.2)

Game Names : Horror Scenes (v1.2)
Excel File Name : cqq04092.xls
QID :  cqq04092
  1.  13thghosts
  2.  anightmareonelmstreet
  3.  abyss
  4.  amityvillehorror
  5.  cabinfever
  6.  carrie
  7.  coldcreekmanor
  8.  deadsilence
  9.  doom
  10.  dragmetohell
  11.  ghostship
  12.  thegrudge
  13.  hellraiser
  14.  thehillshaveeyes2
  15.  houseonhauntedhill
  16.  ispitonyourgrave
  17.  jennifersbody
  18.  thegrudge2
  19.  rec
  20.  rosered
  21.  saw
  22.  shrooms
  23.  thedescent
  24.  theeye
  25.  thehauntinginconnecticut
  26.  thehillshaveeyes
  27.  themessengers
  28.  thegrudge3
  29.  theothers
  30.  thering
  31.  theuninvited
  32.  theunborn
  33.  wrongturn
  34.  urbanlegend
  35.  therite
  36.  theresident
  37.  thehaunting
  38.  theexorcismofemilyrose
  39.  scream
  40.  quarantine
  41.  orphan
  42.  letmein
  43.  fringe
  44.  frightnight
  45.  insidious
  46.  priest
  47.  30daysofnight
  48.  tamara
  49.  residentevil
  50.  residentevilafterlife
  51.  residentevilextinction
  52.  residentevilapocalypse
  53.  silenthouse
  54.  mirrors
  55.  jeeperscreepers
  56.  30daysofnightdarkdays
  57.  lettherightonein
  58.  jeeperscreepers2
  59.  trickrtreat
  60.  mysoultotake

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (v1.0)

Game Names : The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (v1.0)
Excel File Name : cqq04095.xls 
QID :  cqq04095
  1.  mariakanellis
  2.  axlrose
  3.  karatointon
  4.  jimdavidson
  5.  melissageorge
  6.  leemack
  7.  cristinascabbia
  8.  jonbonjovi
  9.  amylee
  10.  theundertaker
  11.  karengillan
  12.  leslienielsen
  13.  michellekeegan
  14.  brandonlee
  15.  martinahingis
  16.  jackdee
  17.  yvonnestrahovski
  18.  joeelliott
  19.  juliastiles
  20.  ryangiggs
  21.  janetstreetporter
  22.  chrisevans
  23.  annwiddecombe
  24.  daviddickinson
  25.  victoriabeckham
  26.  jedward
  27.  jadegoody
  28.  therock
  29.  jobrand
  30.  gokwan
  31.  clarebalding
  32.  emileheskey
  33.  sanditoksvig
  34.  waynerooney
  35.  katieprice
  36.  bros
  37.  parishilton
  38.  johnmccririck
  39.  staceysolomon
  40.  diegomaradona
  41.  tarapalmertomkinson
  42.  noelgallagher
  43.  donatellaversace
  44.  michaeljackson
  45.  courtneylove
  46.  peterdoherty
  47.  britneyspears
  48.  peteburns
  49.  gracejones
  50.  iaindowie
  51.  vanessafeltz
  52.  johnprescott
  53.  amywinehouse
  54.  alancarr
  55.  katemoss
  56.  peterbeardsley
  57.  pamelaanderson
  58.  iggypop
  59.  jackiestallone
  60.  andrewlloydwebber

Lrperky's Links - Part 1 (v1.0)

Game Names : Lrperky's Links - Part 1 (v1.0)       
Excel File Name : cqq04093.xls
QID :  cqq04093


  1.  michaelkeaton
  2.  adamwest
  3.  valkilmer
  4.  batman
  5.  foot
  6.  cricket
  7.  hand
  8.  ball
  9.  jackblack
  10.  redsea
  11.  greenday
  12.  colours
  13.  bullseye
  14.  slinky
  15.  alien
  16.  toystory
  17.  wednesdayaddams
  18.  happymondays
  19.  fridaythe13th
  20.  daysoftheweek
  21.  wall
  22.  chain
  23.  toilet
  24.  paper
  25.  thehuntforredoctober
  26.  brianmay
  27.  junebrown
  28.  months
  29.  bryanrobson
  30.  ericcantona
  31.  peterschmeichel
  32.  manchesterunited
  33.  10thingsihateaboutyou
  34.  monalisasmile
  35.  thebourneidentity
  36.  juliastiles
  37.  alexandraburke
  38.  mattcardle
  39.  leonalewis
  40.  wonthexfactor
  41.  galaxy
  42.  mustang
  43.  orion
  44.  fordcars
  45.  piercebrosnan
  46.  seanconnery
  47.  timothydalton
  48.  jamesbond
  49.  lilyallen
  50.  drivingmissdaisy
  51.  rosemcgowan
  52.  flower
  53.  ratrace
  54.  johnnyenglish
  55.  blackaddergoesforth
  56.  rowanatkinson
  57.  bananarama
  58.  friedgreentomatoes
  59.  peachesgeldof
  60.  fruit


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

National Anthems (v1.1)

Game Names : National Anthems (v1.1)   
Excel File Name : cqq04096.xls
QID :  cqq04096

  1.  afghanistan, millitharana
  2.  bulgaria, milarodino
  3.  canada, ocanada
  4.  malaysia, negaraku
  5.  luxembourg, onshemecht
  6.  spain, lamarchareal
  7.  saintlucia, sonsanddaughtersofsaintlucia
  8.  netherlands, hetwilhelmus
  9.  moldova, limbanoastră
  10.  kiribati, teirakekainikiribati
  11.  italy, ilcantodegliitaliani
  12.  iceland, lofsongur
  13.  guinea, liberte
  14.  dominica, isleofbeautyisleofsplendour
  15.  vanuatu, yumiyumiyumi
  16.  unitedstatesofamerica, thestarspangledbanner
  17.  trinidadandtobago, forgedfromtheloveofliberty
  18.  switzerland, schweizerpsalm
  19.  singapore, majulahsingapura
  20.  samoa, thebanneroffreedom
  21.  morocco, hymnecherifien
  22.  mexico, himnonacionalmexicano
  23.  macedonia, denesnadmakedonija
  24.  japan, kimigayo
  25.  georgia, tavisupleba
  26.  egypt, biladybiladybilady
  27.  brazil, hinonacionalbrasileiro
  28.  bhutan, druktsendhen

European Flags and Capitals (v1.3)

Game Names : European Flags and Capitals (v1.3)
Excel File Name : cqq04091.xls
QID :  cqq04091

  1.  albania, tirana
  2.  montenegro, podgorica
  3.  andorra, andorralavella
  4.  moldova, chisinau
  5.  serbia, belgrade
  6.  slovakia, bratislava
  7.  thenetherlands, amsterdam
  8.  slovenia, ljubljana
  9.  ireland, dublin
  10.  italy, rome
  11.  latvia, riga
  12.  austria, vienna
  13.  norway, oslo
  14.  iceland, reykjavik
  15.  faroeislands, torshavn
  16.  finland, helsinki
  17.  northerncyprus, nicosia
  18.  azerbaijan, baku
  19.  romania, bucharest
  20.  armenia, yerevan
  21.  estonia, tallinn
  22.  bulgaria, sofia
  23.  lithuania, vilnius
  24.  hungary, budapest
  25.  jersey, sainthelier
  26.  guernsey, saintpeterport
  27.  georgia, tbilisi
  28.  gibraltar, gibraltar

Desperate Housewives 2 (v2.0)

Game Names : Desperate Housewives 2 (v2.0)
Excel File Name : cqq04090.xls
QID :  cqq04090

  1. gabriellesolis
  2. thescavos
  3. breevandekamp
  4. mrsmccluskey
  5. susanmayer
  6. katherinemayfair
  7. idagreenberg
  8. georgewilliams
  9. anasolis
  10. andrewvandekamp
  11. calebapplewhite
  12. waynedavis
  13. 4349
  14. 6
  15. rexvandekamp
  16. ediebritt
  17. mikedelfino
  18. dylanmayfair
  19. toby
  20. kaylascavo
  21. maryaliceyoung
  22. davewilliams
  23. yaolin
  24. traversmclain
  25. juanitaceliaandgrace
  26. lynette
  27. no4354
  28. inthefreezer
  29. juliemayer
  30. no4356
  31. somethingscoming
  32. bobandlee
  33. bettyapplewhite
  34. susanandmike
  35. artshepherd
  36. adammayfair
  37. carlossolis
  38. italian
  39. benjaminkatz
  40. parkerscavo
  41. mjdelfino
  42. dylandavis
  43. professionalbaseballplayer
  44. daniellevandekamp
  45. marthahuber
  46. orsonhodge
  47. norahuntington
  48. reneeperry

Name the Actress 2 (v1.0)

Game Names : Name the Actress 2 (v1.0)       
Excel File Name : cqq04089.xls
QID :  cqq04089

  1.  mauratierney
  2.  bojananovakovic
  3.  ashleyjudd
  4.  maggiegrace
  5.  monicabellucci
  6.  marciagayharden
  7.  triciahelfer
  8.  jennadewan
  9.  kelligarner
  10.  stephaniepratt
  11.  joannadouglas
  12.  brandeetucker
  13.  monicamay
  14.  annalainamarks
  15.  lauralinney
  16.  rinibell
  17.  nataschamcelhone
  18.  emilymortimer
  19.  patriciaclarkson
  20.  francesoconnor
  21.  christianserratos
  22.  zoesaldana
  23.  laurengraham
  24.  lizaweil
  25.  keikoagena
  26.  tealredmann
  27.  jordanabrewster
  28.  katdennings
  29.  rosebyrne
  30.  aliashawkat
  31.  jessicachastain
  32.  amandaseyfried
  33.  michellemonaghan
  34.  abbiecornish
  35.  emmastone
  36.  brycedallashoward
  37.  danielleharris
  38.  catherinekeener
  39.  gretagerwig
  40.  ellenpage
  41.  annasophiarobb
  42.  lianaliberato
  43.  kaypanabaker
  44.  jordanhinson
  45.  allisonscagliotti
  46.  edensher
  47.  jenniferstone
  48.  sofiavergara

Peter Kay's Animated All Star Band (v1.0)

Game Names : Peter Kay's Animated All Star Band (v1.0)                           
Excel File Name : cqq04085.xls
QID :  cqq04085

  1.  pudseybear
  2.  chippyminton
  3.  paddingtonbear
  4.  engiebenjy
  5.  spud
  6.  bigchris
  7.  thomasthetankengine
  8.  firemansam
  9.  stingo
  10.  frank
  11.  stretchy
  12.  roarytheracingcar
  13.  george
  14.  bobthebuilder
  15.  shaggy
  16.  tubb
  17.  custard
  18.  slugsy
  19.  firefighterpennymorris
  20.  parker
  21.  fififorgetmenot
  22.  ajaybains
  23.  george
  24.  bill
  25.  laalaa
  26.  flash
  27.  andypandy
  28.  buttercup
  29.  bagpuss
  30.  mrsgoggins
  31.  sploshy
  32.  roobarb
  33.  angelinaballerina
  34.  bigchristine
  35.  loobyloo
  36.  sooty
  37.  pingu
  38.  thefatcontroller
  39.  scoop
  40.  windymiller
  41.  noisy
  42.  bumble
  43.  stationofficerbasilsteele
  44.  wendy
  45.  dipsy
  46.  soo
  47.  scoobydoo
  48.  peppapig
  49.  primrose
  50.  ladypenelope
  51.  paolothecat
  52.  postmanpat
  53.  finbar
  54.  spongebobsquarepants
  55.  bentennyson
  56.  marsha
  57.  tiny
  58.  muffinthemule
  59.  tinkywinky
  60.  virgiltracy
  61.  firefighterelviscridlington
  62.  farmergreen
  63.  jessthecat
  64.  terence
  65.  nishabains
  66.  violet
  67.  buster
  68.  scary
  69.  pilchard
  70.  jollopthedog
  71.  brains
  72.  zippy
  73.  igglepiggle
  74.  mrcarburettor
  75.  thewombles
  76.  makkapakka
  77.  daisy
  78.  po
  79.  ben
  80.  sweep
  81.  heyjude
  82.  neverforget
  83.  tubthumping
  84.  canyoufeelit

Thursday, May 12, 2011

TV and Movie Logos.... (v1.1)

Game Names : TV and Movie Logos.... (v1.1)               
Excel File Name : cqq04087.xls
QID :  cqq04087

  1.  theflintstones
  2.  contagion
  3.  spiderman
  4.  superman
  5.  evolution
  6.  harrypotterandthephilosophersstone
  7.  judgedredd
  8.  robocop
  9.  spiderman
  10.  minorityreport
  11.  avatar
  12.  totalrecall
  13.  demolitionman
  14.  theterminator
  15.  startrek
  16.  ironman
  17.  starshiptroopers
  18.  alien
  19.  theshining
  20.  residentevil
  21.  doom
  22.  watchmen
  23.  batman
  24.  charlieandthechocolatefactory
  25.  thefifthelement
  26.  shutterisland
  27.  elitesquad
  28.  ai
  29.  irobot
  30.  futurama
  31.  titanic
  32.  twilight

Name Them ! (v1.2)

Game Names : Name Them ! (v1.2)   
Excel File Name : cqq04086.xls
QID :  cqq04086

  1.  sleepyhollow, johnnydepp
  2.  topgun, tomcruise
  3.  goodfellas, robertdeniro
  4.  thesocialnetwork, jesseeisenberg
  5.  platoon, charliesheen
  6.  fxmurderbyillusion, bryanbrown
  7.  iloveyouman, paulrudd
  8.  heat, alpacino
  9.  alphadog, justintimberlake
  10.  iamlegend, willsmith
  11.  oneflewoverthecuckoosnest, jacknicholson
  12.  blackhawkdown, orlandobloom
  13.  stateofplay, russellcrowe
  14.  theciderhouserules, michaelcaine
  15.  thedarkknight, christianbale
  16.  theateam, liamneeson
  17.  deathatafuneral, chrisrock
  18.  theshawshankredemption, morganfreeman
  19.  invictus, mattdamon
  20.  shutterisland, leonardodicaprio

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Groups of Animals (v1.1)

Game Names : Groups of Animals (v1.1)
Excel File Name : cqq04088.xls
QID :  cqq04088

  1.  flink
  2.  gaggle
  3.  team
  4.  flight
  5.  murder
  6.  warren
  7.  draft
  8.  tower
  9.  bale
  10.  business
  11.  stand
  12.  pride
  13.  shrewdness
  14.  pace
  15.  gang
  16.  clowder
  17.  bloat
  18.  troop
  19.  leap
  20.  labor
  21.  troop
  22.  romp
  23.  prickle
  24.  crash
  25.  pod
  26.  streak
  27.  dray
  28.  party
  29.  parliament
  30.  building
  31.  unkindness
  32.  army
  33.  knot
  34.  shiver
  35.  hover
  36.  army
  37.  quiver
  38.  kettle
  39.  hedge
  40.  rhumba

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Simpson's Top Movies (v1.2)

Game Names : Simpson's Top Movies (v1.2)
Excel File Name : cqq04083.xls
QID :  cqq04083

  1.  spyhard
  2.  octopussy
  3.  themask
  4.  jaws
  5.  thematrixreloaded
  6.  mikebassettenglandmanager
  7.  taken
  8.  therunningman
  9.  heat
  10.  edgeofdarkness
  11.  thelionking
  12.  liarliar
  13.  waterworld
  14.  roadtoperdition
  15.  theshawshankredemption
  16.  totalrecall
  17.  brucealmighty
  18.  aviewtoakill
  19.  planetoftheapes
  20.  marleyandme
  21.  thewickerman
  22.  predator
  23.  indianajonesandthelastcrusade
  24.  hook
  25.  ratatouille
  26.  memyselfandirene
  27.  theinsider
  28.  pulpfiction
  29.  judgedredd
  30.  goodfellas
  31.  alien
  32.  batmanbegins
  33.  batman
  34.  grease
  35.  equilibrium
  36.  baseketball
  37.  independenceday
  38.  thematrixrevolutions
  39.  killbill
  40.  thejunglebook
  41.  asgoodasitgets
  42.  airplane
  43.  manonfire
  44.  mammamia
  45.  redheat
  46.  thedarkknight
  47.  killbill2
  48.  thematrix
  49.  ronin
  50.  onceuponatimeinamerica

Name the chocolate (v1.2)

Game Names : Name the chocolate (v1.2)
Excel File Name : cqq04069.xls
QID :  cqq04069

  1.  crunchie
  2.  dairymilk
  3.  aero
  4.  doubledecker
  5.  bounty
  6.  flake
  7.  caramac
  8.  chomp
  9.  freddo
  10.  toffeecrisp
  11.  daim
  12.  marsbar
  13.  curlywurly
  14.  galaxy
  15.  kitkat
  16.  lionbar
  17.  maltesers
  18.  milkyway
  19.  magicstars
  20.  picnic
  21.  revels
  22.  smarties
  23.  snickers
  24.  timeout
  25.  toblerone
  26.  topic
  27.  twix
  28.  wispa
  29.  yorkie
  30.  ripple
  31.  galaxycaramel
  32.  kinderbueno
  33.  cremeegg
  34.  mnms
  35.  peanutmandms
  36.  buttons
  37.  minieggs
  38.  fruitandnut
  39.  penguin
  40.  bournville

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Animated Films (v2.1)

Game Names : Animated Films (v2.1)
Excel File Name : cqq00411.xls
QID :  cqq00411

  2.  BAMBI
  7.  SHREK
  12.  MULAN
  14.  ANTZ
  21.  101DALMATIANS
  26.  ICEAGE
  27.  TITANAE
  28.  SHREK2
  31.  ALADDIN
  37.  TOYSTORY2
  39.  TARZAN
  43.  LIONKING112
  47.  DUMBO
  52.  LIONKING112
  56.  DUMBO

Brand Names & Logo (v3.1)

Game Names : Brand Names & Logo (v3.1)
Excel File Name : cqq00156.xls
QID : cqq00156

  1.  anadinextra
  2.  oddbins
  3.  marmite
  4.  londoneye
  5.  wimpy
  6.  dove
  7.  americaonline
  8.  spar
  9.  playstation
  10.  johnsonandjohnson
  11.  whsmith
  12.  knorr
  13.  houseoffraser
  14.  7up
  15.  ferrari
  16.  next
  17.  somerfield
  18.  bradfordandbingley
  19.  texaco
  20.  eurostar
  21.  coop
  22.  poloralphlauren
  23.  asda
  24.  pcworld
  25.  weetabix
  26.  bic
  27.  hotwheels
  28.  walkman
  29.  bandq
  30.  nesquik
  31.  skoda
  32.  dhl
  33.  lidl
  34.  renault
  35.  q8
  36.  bhs
  37.  nescafe
  38.  axa
  39.  visionexpress
  40.  bmw
  41.  channel4
  42.  foxsglaciermints
  43.  bryantandmay
  44.  homebase
  45.  aa
  46.  o2
  47.  nightnurse
  48.  cerebossalt
  49.  cadbury
  50.  makro
  51.  olay
  52.  halifax
  53.  galeshoney
  54.  doubledecker
  55.  mcdougalls
  56.  esso
  57.  dreamcast
  58.  pretamanger
  59.  travelinn
  60.  swanvestas
  61.  e4
  62.  whiskas
  63.  delmonte
  64.  nestle
  65.  telewestbroadband
  66.  britishgas
  67.  specsavers
  68.  vauxhall
  69.  birds
  70.  mccain
  71.  tateandlyle
  72.  shell
  73.  barclays
  74.  switch
  75.  tkmaxx
  76.  hmv
  77.  poundstretcher
  78.  frysturkishdelight
  79.  wilkinson
  80.  toysrus
  81.  toblerone
  82.  vodafone
  83.  cadburysmilktray
  84.  safeway
  85.  rollsroyce
  86.  walkers
  87.  nationallottery
  88.  kleenex
  89.  askjeeves
  90.  toyota
  91.  crunchie
  92.  landrover
  93.  sugarpuffs
  94.  chanel
  95.  penguin
  96.  jaguar
  97.  yvesstlaurent
  98.  poundland
  99.  imperialleather
  100.  walls

Simpsons Character (v8.5)

Game Names : Simpsons Character (v8.5)
Excel File Name : cqq00095.xls
QID : cqq00095

  1.  bartsimpson
  2.  hankscorpio
  3.  herbpowell
  4.  kangandkodos
  5.  kentbrockman
  6.  barneygumble
  7.  homersimpson
  8.  comicbookguy
  9.  montyburns
  10.  bumblebeeman
  11.  rodflanders
  12.  jimbojones
  13.  krustytheclown
  14.  apu
  15.  sideshowmel
  16.  sideshowbob
  17.  hugo
  18.  cecil
  19.  moe
  20.  jacquelinebouvier
  21.  dolph
  22.  chiefwiggum
  23.  superintendentchalmers
  24.  selma
  25.  ralph
  26.  principalskinner
  27.  milhouse
  28.  captainmcallister
  29.  lenny
  30.  fattony
  31.  patty
  32.  larry
  33.  sherriandterri
  34.  agnesskinner
  35.  bleedinggumsmurphy
  36.  lisasimpson
  37.  frankgrimes
  38.  hansmoleman
  39.  drmarvinmonroe
  40.  kirkvanhouten
  41.  herman
  42.  janey
  43.  maggiesimpson
  44.  snowball
  45.  santaslittlehelper
  46.  carl
  47.  itchyandscratchy
  48.  martinprince
  49.  lionelhutz
  50.  margesimpson
  51.  gil
  52.  stampy
  53.  uter
  54.  brandine
  55.  discostu
  56.  abesimpson
  57.  jessicalovejoy
  58.  toddflanders
  59.  jasper
  60.  rogermeyers
  61.  snake
  62.  mrlargo
  63.  mayorquimby
  64.  nedflanders
  65.  cletus
  66.  louie
  67.  dredericktatum
  68.  mrbergstrom
  69.  otto
  70.  arniepie
  71.  helenlovejoy
  72.  lunchladydoris
  73.  beasimmons
  74.  nelson
  75.  mindysimmons
  76.  freddiequimby
  77.  rainierwolfcastle
  78.  poochie
  79.  mshoover
  80.  reverendlovejoy
  81.  troymcclure
  82.  waylonsmithers
  83.  professorfrink
  84.  groundskeeperwillie
  85.  drhibbert
  86.  ednakrabappel
  87.  allison
  88.  artieziff
  89.  duffman
  90.  drnickriviera
  91.  manjula
  92.  radioactiveman

Friday, May 6, 2011

Female Celebrities (v5.5)

Game Names : Female Celebrities
Excel File Name : cqq00026.xls
QID : 00026

  1.  jennifergarner
  2.  jessicaalba
  3.  elizadushku
  4.  aliciasilverstone
  5.  sarahmichellegellar
  6.  sarahjessicaparker
  7.  elishacuthbert
  8.  camerondiaz
  9.  keiraknightley
  10.  nellmcandrew
  11.  natalieimbruglia
  12.  katyhill
  13.  milajovovich
  14.  geenadavis
  15.  livtyler
  16.  kirstygallacher
  17.  helenhunt
  18.  kirstendunst
  19.  kylieminogue
  20.  zaraphillips
  21.  rachelweisz
  22.  sandrabullock
  23.  sigourneyweaver
  24.  renerusso
  25.  alysonhannigan
  26.  catherinezetajones
  27.  danniiminogue
  28.  britneyspears
  29.  emmabunton
  30.  emmacaulfield
  31.  megryan
  32.  billiepiper
  33.  carrieannemoss
  34.  umathurman
  35.  claudiaschiffer
  36.  heathergraham
  37.  deniserichards
  38.  jamieleecurtis
  39.  katemoss
  40.  tarapalmertomkinson
  41.  annakournikova
  42.  leslieash
  43.  demimoore
  44.  glynisbarber
  45.  amandaholden
  46.  norahjones
  47.  sharonstone
  48.  dervlakirwan
  49.  natashahenstridge
  50.  patsykensit
  51.  fionafullerton
  52.  emilybooth
  53.  sharrondavies
  54.  carmenelectra
  55.  halleberry
  56.  cindycrawford
  57.  katebeckinsale
  58.  heatherlocklear
  59.  nicolettesheridan
  60.  barbarabach
  61.  caprice
  62.  donnaair
  63.  kellybrook
  64.  shaniatwain
  65.  catdeeley
  66.  katieprice
  67.  louiseredknapp
  68.  angelinajolie
  69.  rachelstevens
  70.  denisevanouten
  71.  jeriryan
  72.  beyonceknowles
  73.  nevecampbell
  74.  bridgetfonda
  75.  sarahchalke
  76.  juliaroberts
  77.  gwynethpaltrow
  78.  gailporter
  79.  davinamccall
  80.  vickibutlerhenderson
  81.  joannalumley
  82.  michellepfeiffer
  83.  lizhurley
  84.  parishilton
  85.  rachelhunter
  86.  islafisher
  87.  amyacker
  88.  victoriabeckham
  89.  penelopecruz
  90.  annafriel
  91.  madonna
  92.  jessicasimpson
  93.  kimbasinger
  94.  lisakudrow
  95.  erikaeleniak
  96.  natalieportman
  97.  lucyliu
  98.  darylhannah
  99.  kimcattrall
  100.  olivianewtonjohn

Cars (v.6.5)

Game Names : Cars (v6.5)
Excel File Name :cqq00015.xls
QID : 00015

  1.   paganizonda
  2.  hillmanimp
  3.  porschecayenne
  4.  dodgeviper
  5.  daewoomatiz
  6.  astonmartinlagonda
  7.  nissanmicra
  8.  jenseninterceptor
  9.  mercedesbenzeclass
  10.  saab95
  11.  renaultlaguna
  12.  morrisminor
  13.  fiatpunto
  14.  mx5miata
  15.  hyundaicoupe
  16.  mgb
  17.  mclarenf1
  18.  volvoxc90
  19.  tvrchimaera
  20.  chevroletzafire
  21.  landroverfreelander
  22.  renault5
  23.  daihatsucopen
  24.  nissansunny
  25.  hummerh2
  26.  porscheboxster
  27.  mazda5
  28.  fiatx19
  29.  vauxhallchevette
  30.  rover25
  31.  citroensaxo
  32.  nissan200sx
  33.  toyotamr2
  34.  fiatpanda
  35.  rangerover
  36.  ladariva
  37.  fordescort
  38.  audia3
  39.  nissanqx
  40.  rollsroycecorniche
  41.  caterham7
  42.  vwlupo
  43.  fordcapri
  44.  opelsignum
  45.  mercedesslk
  46.  renaultmegane
  47.  morganplus8
  48.  lotuselise
  49.  lanciastratos
  50.  jaguarxjs
  51.  chryslerneon
  52.  austinprincess
  53.  toyotaprius
  54.  bmwx5
  55.  vwjetta
  56.  fordmondeo
  57.  volkswagenbeetle
  58.  bmw
  59.  rollsroycesilvershadow
  60.  lamborghinicountach
  61.  triumphdolomite
  62.  reliantscimitar
  63.  skodasuperb
  64.  fordcortina
  65.  audiquattro
  66.  volvov70
  67.  triumphtr7
  68.  lotusesprit
  69.  fiat500
  70.  austinmaxi
  71.  skodafavorit
  72.  toyotacelica
  73.  porsche928
  74.  reliantrobin
  75.  opelvx220
  76.  fordgt40
  77.  rover75
  78.  austinallegro
  79.  triumphspitfire
  80.  peugeot205
  81.  volkswagentouareg
  82.  citroends
  83.  fordgranada
  84.  landroverdiscovery
  85.  subaruimpreza
  86.  auditt
  87.  morrismarina
  88.  mercedesaclass
  89.  renaultespace
  90.  jaguaretype
  91.  peugeot307
  92.  detomasopantera
  93.  citroen2cv
  94.  fordanglia
  95.  toyotayaris
  96.  volkswagentouran
  97.  hondas2000
  98.  isuzutrooper
  99.  accobra
  100.  fordmustang

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pop Stars (v8.6)

Game Names : Pop Stars (v8.6)
Excel File Name : cgq00012.xls
QID : 00012

  1.  alexparks
  2.  amystudt
  3.  avrillavigne
  4.  beyonce
  5.  billiepiper
  6.  bryanferry
  7.  craigdavid
  8.  danielbedingfield
  9.  dariusdanesh
  10.  elviscostello
  11.  franhealy
  12.  garethgates
  13.  jamiecullum
  14.  jossstone
  15.  katebush
  16.  tonyhadley
  17.  kellyosbourne
  18.  kylieminogue
  19.  lisamaffia
  20.  loureed
  21.  myleeneklass
  22.  royorbison
  23.  peterandre
  24.  pink
  25.  robbiewilliams
  26.  ronankeating
  27.  tompetty
  28.  willyoung
  29.  badlydrawnboy
  30.  bjork
  31.  marcbolan
  32.  nellyfurtado
  33.  rodstewart
  34.  sherylcrow
  35.  sophieellisbextor
  36.  victoriabeckham
  37.  christinaaguilera
  38.  britneyspears
  39.  dianaross
  40.  dido
  41.  georgemichael
  42.  johnlydon
  43.  katiemelua
  44.  kurtcobain
  45.  jaykay
  46.  mickjagger
  47.  morrissey
  48.  richardashcroft
  49.  slash
  50.  rkelly
  51.  whitneyhouston
  52.  michaeljackson
  53.  50cent
  54.  bryanadams
  55.  justintimberlake
  56.  keithrichards
  57.  prince
  58.  aliciakeys
  59.  courtneylove
  60.  cher
  61.  chrismartin
  62.  elvispresley
  63.  madonna
  64.  eminem
  65.  arethafranklin
  66.  billyocean
  67.  debbieharry
  68.  bonnietyler
  69.  chrisdeburgh
  70.  iandury
  71.  jimmysomerville
  72.  kimwilde
  73.  davidbowie
  74.  eltonjohn
  75.  andybell
  76.  garthbrookes
  77.  garynuman
  78.  hollyjohnson
  79.  jarviscocker
  80.  mickhucknall
  81.  lisastansfield
  82.  mariwilson
  83.  meatloaf
  84.  nickheyward
  85.  shakinstevens
  86.  steviewonder
  87.  robertsmith
  88.  tomjones
  89.  wendyjames
  90.  dustyspringfield
  91.  engelberthumperdinck
  92.  sting
  93.  lulu
  94.  axlrose
  95.  jonbonjovi
  96.  juliancope
  97.  charlottechurch
  98.  billyidol
  99.  buddyholly
  100.  freddiemercury
  101.  mariemcdonaldmclaughlinlawrie

Flag Of The World (v7.5)

Game Names :Flag Of The World (v7.5)
Excel File Name : cgq00008.xls
QID : 00008

  1.  wales
  2.  jamaica
  3.  mexico
  4.  rwanda
  5.  egypt
  6.  canada
  7.  romania
  8.  nigeria
  9.  texas
  10.  chile
  11.  albania
  12.  finland
  13.  isleofman
  14.  germany
  15.  kenya
  16.  sweden
  17.  latvia
  18.  zimbabwe
  19.  turkey
  20.  thenetherlands
  21.  ecuador
  22.  barbados
  23.  iceland
  24.  thevatican
  25.  hungary
  26.  newzealand
  27.  norway
  28.  guernsey
  29.  france
  30.  estonia
  31.  syria
  32.  kuwait
  33.  morocco
  34.  ukraine
  35.  lithuania
  36.  libya
  37.  belgium
  38.  argentina
  39.  catalonia
  40.  hongkong
  41.  india
  42.  peru
  43.  austria
  44.  southkorea
  45.  senegal
  46.  russia
  47.  panama
  48.  cyprus
  49.  slovakia
  50.  spain
  51.  china
  52.  czechrepublic
  53.  cameroon
  54.  srilanka
  55.  switzerland
  56.  bulgaria
  57.  iran
  58.  slovenia
  59.  ethiopia
  60.  pakistan
  61.  seychelles
  62.  denmark
  63.  hawaii
  64.  algeria
  65.  saudiarabia
  66.  singapore
  67.  lebanon
  68.  greenland
  69.  scotland
  70.  jordan
  71.  greece
  72.  cornwall
  73.  basque
  74.  brazil
  75.  cuba
  76.  malta
  77.  taiwan
  78.  poland
  79.  honduras
  80.  italy
  81.  thailand
  82.  monaco
  83.  vietnam
  84.  croatia
  85.  puertorico
  86.  republicofireland
  87.  eu
  88.  bangladesh
  89.  bolivia
  90.  japan
  91.  portugal
  92.  southafrica
  93.  tunisia
  94.  philippines
  95.  australia
  96.  cambodia
  97.  colombia
  98.  iraq
  99.  uruguay
  100.  israel